“We can see” connections!
Our inspiration earlier in this school year began with a
project created by Mrs. Harrison at Lake Simcoe P.S. As
you already know, we made our own video to share with
Mrs. Harrison’s classroom as well as classrooms around
the world. Since then we have continued on the journey,
predicting, observing, posing questions and watching
inspiring documentation from other schools and
In December we knew winter had arrived when we looked
out our window one day and saw snowflakes flying
out into the snow at their school we were inspired.
Our thinking began with the question “What do you yhinkyou know about (snow)flakes?”
LN - Snowflakes glow. When it’s dark snowflakes glow.
LD - When it’s sunny outside the snow melts. When the
snow bumps into things (like trees) a lot of snowflakes
come. When a big snowball bumps into a tree it breaks
into 2 pieces and snowflakes come out of it.
B - Ice turns into water and water turns into snow and
snow turns into slush.
“What are you wondering about (snow)flakes?”
N - How does snow make snowflakes when it is falling?
Wonderopolis, an app we use on the ipad, posed the
Why are all snowflakes different shapes?”
We didn’t know that all snowflakes were different so we
decided to invesgate.
We found a site that helped us to test out making
snowflakes...and they all turned out different!
Some people tried to draw a snowflake.....and they all turned out different.
Some people tried to build a snowflake....and they all turned out different!

Reanna’s procedure for cutting a snowflake inspired more people to join the investigation.
We brought snow into the classroom to do some more investigating.
C - I made snow marshmallows.
But like the snow in the story Sadie and the Snowman by Allen Morgan, the weather turned warmer and the snow disappeared.
Even though the snow is gone, we are pretty sure it will be back. So we continue to wonder, ask questions, and plan what we will do when it returns.
The book Snowballs by Lois Ehlert has inspired the idea of creating cool snow people with found ‘stuff’.
C - My snow family. The mom, the dad, the baby and the dog.
R - Look at my snowman.
MJ - Tell me about it.
R - I used two lemons for the eyes, a carrot for the nose, a
great big banana for the mouth.
We would love to have you share with us your comments,
questions and what you know about snow.
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