Saturday, 30 March 2013

Dear Easter Bunny

Our latest math problem evolved from BG's decision to blog the Easter Bunny.  

BG initially asked  the Easter Bunny “How many eggs are you going to get?”  "Easter Bunny will you put candy in my egg?"

BG was very excited when Mr. Bunny responded, asking the question “How many eggs do you think I should get for each person?” 
BG wrote him back letting him know that he thought 12 eggs would be great.

The Easter Bunny responded asking BG to show him how many 12 is. (Mr. Bunny has trouble remembering numbers!)  

Our team jumped to the challenge of reminding Mr. Bunny how many 12 is, trying to be as efficient (mathematicians always try to be quick and efficient) as can be as they recorded their ideas. 

Please keep in mind that I have never suggested ways to record information.  Over the course of the year students have shared with each other how using dots, lines, etc. is a much more efficient way to record than trying to draw objects.  Students can now be observed using information (learning) gathered from our daily "brain work".  During these sessions students are prompted with "How many?  How did you see it?" when using tools such as dot plates, rekenrek, 5 frame, 10 frame and quantity number line.  The use of a string to show information has been modelled as students explain their thinking but has never been 'suggested' as a way to record.  CL can explain how efficient he finds this strategy and that he initially used it because he saw it on the white board.

These are some of the reminders created to help Mr. Bunny.

Mathematicians always want to show all of their work so students are encouraged to simply put an X through unwanted information rather that erasing or covering with 'magic tape'. 

Some students, particularly JK, need more practice with "How many?" and "How will you show it?"  Engaging small groups of mathematicians (with similar abilities) in a variety of games continues to be a focus to help encourage growth and development of understanding.

Friday, 29 March 2013

We Can See by EA

This is EA's second i movie.  She was inspired to make this video after seeing the results of our class "Snow On Me" (more We Can See connections) movie and also realizing her friend RH was making one!  

EA independently chose what pictures she wanted to use and then added the text to each slide, using a variety of writing strategies.  Finally she selected the music to attach to her movie. 

As her editor, I then checked spelling and made any additions (sounds she couldn't hear when she stretched a word i.e. bike rack, or tricky sounds she perhaps wouldn't know i.e. freaky). EA understands that having work edited is something that is done when it is being viewed by others.  Enjoy!

EA would love to receive comments, connections, wonderings!

Sunday, 24 March 2013

Snow on me (More We Can See connections!)

We have had some amazing snowfalls in February and March this year.  Each time new snow fell groups from Team Jelleybean took the opportunity to venture out to capture what "we can see" around our school.  

Initially we made this class video together.  CB's final 3 words at the end of the video captures the excitement and engagement of this experience!

RH had expressed interest in making her own video on the IMac when she saw her friend EA creating one using photos she had brought from the Santa Claus parade.  RH was excited to take on this challenge using the photos we took in the snow, choosing which ones suited her video and then writing the text to go with each video.  

RH accessed a number of different writing strategies to write the text, including using environmental print (i.e. Snow on me poem we had worked on during shared reading, our word wall, words in familiar text in her book box, as well as stretching words and recording the sounds she could hear).  

As her editor it was my job once all the writing was done to check for spelling, since this was to be a published work.  

Here is RH's video.  She would love feedback in the form of comments, questions, wonderings.  Enjoy!

EA is also now working on her second video, choosing from the multitude of photos captured on our snow adventures, so stay tuned!

Thursday, 21 March 2013

Kaylynn Makes Cupcakes

During the March Break Kaylynn and her mom made yummy cupcakes together. 

Follow along as Kaylynn describes the procedure for making cupcakes.  Maybe you will be inspired to make cupcakes too!

I mixed them.

I poured them in the muffin pan.

They grew bigger and grew bigger.

They were done.

I frosted them.

I decorated them.

I eat them!

After Kaylynn described how to make cupcakes some students shared their thoughts. 

A compliment:

NB:  I liked when she said “I eat it!”

A connection:  

SB:  I like frosting.


MJ: How did they taste?

Kaylynn:  Good

MJ:  How many did you eat?

Kaylynn: 2

Have you ever made cupcakes?  Please share your compliments/connections/wonderings with Kaylynn.  

Wednesday, 20 March 2013

I Can See by Keegan L.

Keegan had a wonderful March break.  This movie has been created (using his photos and text) to share with you all of the cool things he saw.  Enjoy! 

Did you like Keegan's movie?  Please feel free to send Keegan any compliments, connections or wonderings!

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Mya's March Break

Mya had a marvelous March break.  Join her as she shares with you all of her exciting "We can see" adventures.  

Mya went downtown.

We can see tall buildings.
We can see lots of cars.
We can see people walking.

Mya went to the pet store. 

We can see a guinea pig.

We can see a lizard.

We can see budgie birds.

Mya went to Woodbine Centres Fantasy Fair.

We can see a castle. 

We can see bumper boats.

We can see a big blue slide.

We can see a red train. 

Mya went out for lunch.

We can see food and drinks.

We can see a tiny puppy.

Mya went to the bank to open a savings account. 

We can see Mya sign her name.

We can see a bank machine.

Saturday, 2 March 2013

Recycling in Kindergarten

Our  recycling inquiry continues!

Here are the reference posters that I talked about in our last recycling blog.   These poster are located on our classroom door and students often re-visit to check and/or confirm where things go when they are eating snack or lunch.

Students have been working on using the puppet pals app on iPads to develop a public service message about how to recycle.  They have choice of background and characters in their video and are responsible for creating the message. The goal of each video is to help people understand how to recycle.  Students discovered that it is good to have a plan in place (to practice what you want to say) and that sometimes it takes more than one attempt to create a video!  

Here are a few of the videos that have been created so far!

Students have opportunities to share their videos with our team, inspiring others to take on the challenge of creating a recycling video.  Students who view the videos are encouraged to make a connection or to give a compliment about what they have just seen and/or heard. 

We would love to hear what other people are thinking as they watch these videos.  Please share with us your ideas and connections.

Team Jelleybean